LEt’s make some music!
Do you have a song idea that needs fleshing out or help with arrangement, instrumentation, or production? Are you looking for a professional mix of your recorded material? Just want to add some live drums? In the age of zoom and high-bandwidth internet, we can create fully-produced songs or even entire albums without ever setting foot in the same building together. It’s truly amazing. Perhaps you’re well-versed in this type of collaboration, or – perhaps you’ve never ventured past a few quality recordings of your vocal and acoustic guitar. The first step is to reach out and book a one-on one zoom call with Darren to get started.

How Does This Work?

Get In Touch
Connect with Darren by phone or over zoom to discuss your project and your goals. It gives you a chance to get acquainted, and will allow you both to quickly chart a course for the project.

Send Files
After the first consultation, you will need to upload or send the stems or audio files. Darren will provide a quote for you to review. A 50% deposit is due at this stage, to begin mixing.

After a few days you will receive version 1 of the mix for you to review on Boombox.io. The mix will have breaks in it that will be removed upon final payment for the deliverable file.

Each mix can include up to 2 revisions. Please use the Boombox.io link to add any and all mix notes. After the mix meets your satisfaction, you can approve the final version.

Final Payment
After you are satisfied with the final mix, the remaining balance, along with any add-on services, will be due.

Once the payment is received you can download your mix! There are options to include stems for tracks playback, alternate vocal levels, etc. Please ask about any options that you are interested in.
Please feel free to visit our FAQ page, or reach out via out contact page. If you’re ready to go, hit the button below!